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Friday, December 18, 2015

Spoiler Free Review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, that's how Star Wars began in 1977 and once again last night when "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" opened in theaters breaking Thursday night release records by making $57 million on the first night alone. My showing at 10:10 last night was sold out like thousands of others last night. Let's get on to the film itself though, as 'The Force Awakens' has caused an awakening that fans have been longing for since 'Return of the Jedi'. 

Fans for years have been waiting to see if J.J. Abrams and Disney would ruin the films as we know it after the let down of Episodes 1-3. I know I wasn't disappointed as J.J. took the helm of "The Force Awakens" and brought the greatness of Star Wars back. The story line was perfect and the new characters in Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo Ren, and BB-8. 

Rey's story is the focus and she blossoms throughout the movie into a strong female character that leads us into waiting for Episode VIII. Yes, the way the film ends Episode VIII will be just as anticipated as "The Force Awakens." Daisy Ridley played Rey like she was in the films before.  Kylo Ren is one dark character who's story is just beginning. It seems like his story is a lot like Darth Vader's. Finn's story is just beginning as well, John Boyega played the role perfectly. 

Harrison Ford does an amazing job as an older and wiser Han Solo. Han is seen as just as he was found in "A New Hope" but more wiser as he even still brings the comedic input of the film as he mentors both Finn and Rey. Then Leia who has aged but is also wiser and shows how strong she can be throughout the film. The questions of where is Luke are answered but you'll have to see the film to find out. There are even more questions to be answered that will hopefully answered in the coming films in the future.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" was perfect and I literally felt like I was watching the original films.   The film brought cheers throughout the whole film because it was just that great. Star Wars is back and in the words of Han as he tells Chewbacca as they enter into the Millennium Falcon once again, "Chewie, We're Home." Star Wars fans are right at home again and all is right in the world. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" gets 5 out of 5 Lightsabers and if I could give it a higher rating I would because the film was amazing. Episode VIII can't get here fast enough.

"Chewie, We're Home."

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