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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Disney Officially Announces Birth of Baby Sumatran Tigers

Born last month, Disney has officially introduced us to the boy and girl Sumatran tiger cubs today on Wildlife Wednesday. Sohni, the mother has been taking care of the cubs and bonding well with them in the last few weeks feeding and grooming the cubs throughout the day. The tiger cubs both boy and girl are up to 12 pounds each.
The tigers were bred through the Species Survival Plan, which is overseen by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and ensures responsible breeding and diverse populations of threatened and endangered species. Sumatran tigers are critically endangered, with fewer than 500 existing in the wild due to significant threats like habitat loss, poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.
The tiger cubs will still remain backstage for the coming months and then will debut for guests on the Maharajah Jungle Trek. We can't wait to see them in the jungle.

Source: Disney Parks Blog

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