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Sunday, November 6, 2016

New TV Spot Airs for Rogue One; Disney to Begin Tracking Custodial Cast Members

New TV Spot Airs for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story":

We are just 40 days away from 'Rogue One' hitting theaters so we should be seeing new TV spots pretty regularly now. Today, we got a new one with some new footage called, "Together." In it we hear Jyn Eyrso (Felicity Jones) conversing with Saw Gererra (Forest Whittaker) asking him for his help and that is his chance to make a huge difference in the rebellion together. 

In the clip we see several new clips, check it out below:

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" hits theaters December 16.

Disney to Begin Tracking Custodial Cast Members?:

According to a report in the Orlando Sentinel, Disney is set to begin tracking its custodial cast members with some new technology by using iPhones to direct custodial members to do certain tasks. The experiment begins today, November 6, and is called "Custodial of Tomorrow" as a test with 40 cast members in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom. The test will run through January 14.

Unite Here Local 362 which represents the custodial cast members at Disney World has raised several questions on the new experiment including the lost of seniority and what the potential discipline is if a cast member lost or damaged the phone. Disney executives weren't available for comment but did release a statement saying, "This new approach will enable us to deploy Cast Members in real time, to areas that need service, ultimately making the Cast and Guest experiences even better."

More on the experiment that began today, cast members when clocking in will receive an iPhone, which the will return at the end of their shifts. More from the article:
"A system of electronic sensors will determine when a restroom needs cleaning or a garbage can needs emptying. A certain number of people entering a bathroom will trigger a search for the nearest available custodian. Sensors will also be tripped when trash cans get to be about three-quarters filled."
A custodial worker voiced his concerns in the article, Juan Alfonseca said, "Most of the employees are very concerned." He and his colleagues feel Disney hasn't told them enough information about the issues including the repercussions. Some Custodial Cast Members are already protesting. On Halloween, some cast members delivered a pumpkin saying, "Rest in Peace, Seniority" to Magic Kingdom vice president Dan Cockerell.

Stay tuned as this story develops.

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